The Art of Knowledge
Acronyms are boring
Hi Bret. All your acronyms make me want to cry. I guess you gotta read what people are doing though, and it seems like people are using acronyms. Which is too bad. Anyway, yeah, for me, all the acronyms are too much, but you should conduct your research however makes sense to you. That's why we were a good team, cause our skills and understandings came at this from two very different sides.
I've been thinking a bit lately about just what the differences are in mine and your approaches to this. You seem to be very business minded, and driven to figure out from jump how to apply it in the real world. Whereas, in my mind, I feel like a lot of that sort of shit will just fall into place once the feel and flow of all the concepts are worked out.
So your goal with all this is what precisely? You basically want the same thing that we wanted when we were at Catalyst, right? Which, in a businessy kind of lingo might go something like "assist members of a mobile workforce to transit into knowledge-based business roles." I don't know. I think I could come up with a better little descriptive phrase than that, but it's late, so whatever.
Anyway, right. What we wanted was to be able to take anybody, basically, your average to above average computer user and internet surfer, and turn them into somebody that could quickly learn and adapt to any new computer/knowledge system that they were placed into, and succeed with minimial training and supervision.
Knowledge mercenaries basically. With a mutable core skill set, such as, for example "web programming" or "networking". And through delivering this basic skill set, they would also be taught what skills transit across all genres of work in a knowledge based economy.
Blah blah, something something. Help me fill in some of the general themes that we are going to be talking about here, for the viewers who are going to be joining us late in the broadcast.
And I hope all this computer babble doesn't start cooking my brain, and using up its precious resources which would otherwise be spent on my occult investigations...
Link posted by Anonymous : 12:28 AM