The Art of Knowledge
Two Articles
I read two articles today in between handing out little tests and grading them. The first article talks about retention amongst first year students in college. It wasn't a real worth while read. The only real thing I got out it was that we are simply making too many excuses for why kids are stupid and that we really don't understand college kids. I could have cared less about peer groups and communities that I can do my homework with when I was in school. But, that's not the point here. I mean it's a good idea and all to make communities and block together groups of classes with the same kids to enhance callaboration but I mean the article just became some whiney liberal approach to retaining students. And I thought it was about like retaining information. Nope, it's about retianing students into their money grubbing rediculous organization known as college. So I saved you some time by saying don't read this crap.
The second article talked about the 4 major classifications of students, psycholigically. It's kind of interesting. I mean it all sounded like some weird crutch for not pushing people enough. I think self-motivation is a huge factor in success. Learning needs to be delivered as a success waiting to happen not just a vehicle that will porribly get you there. Say, "Succeed in this and you will succeed in all". I also have issues with white papers that just tell me how great they are., and this one does that. But the psycho approach portion of the paper was solid and somehwat revealing it puts people into 4 categories and then breaks them down into specific traits for each category (sounded a little bunk but interesting non the less). I'll put this on into the barrel when I start building out the site.
Link posted by JVMM : 4:13 AM