The Art of Knowledge
Stats From National Board of Education Center for Statistics
Ok I have been taking notes like a mad man...I just have to put them up here now...maybe tomorrow. Here are some of the educational stats that are tracks by the National Board of Education...they have tons of stuff on their website if you wanna check it out...
ALl stats are delayed from 99'-00'
- Female degrees across the board are up.
- Females now graduate more frequently than males.
- 600,000 AA degrees - will rise 18% in the next 10 years
- 1.2 million Bachelor degrees - has risen 25% over the last ten years - will rise 16% in the next 10 years
- Female Bachelor degrees grads jumped 39%
- 500,000 Master degrees - has risen 58% over the last 10 years
- 45,000 PhD degrees - unchanged
- 85,000 first professional degrees (law, dentistry, theology) - slight increases
- There are 53 million kids in elementary and secondary schools
- There is a 9% increase in the west for enrolled students and 6% decrease in the Northeast and Midwest
- 15 million people are enrolled in degree seeking institutions - has risen 15% over the last 10 years
- 9% increase in HS grads - 17% in the west
- 16% increasein bachelor degrees
What does all this mean? Well to me it means that Edu is big business. Maybe the biggest business. It is also a business that has no moral ambiguity. I.e. everyone agrees in education but not everyone agrees on dish detergent. But, they are both playing in what seems to be a consumer based market. The number and the website also show me that more people need education in order to survive. The question is, are they getting what they really need or are they just joining a club that gives them a piece of paper. And if the answer is the latter than are clubs and social structures the most important and vital aspect of education?
Link posted by JVMM : 1:25 AM