The Art of Knowledge
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bret, i was just thinking that if you really want to get in the know about knowledge management, you should be spending your time looking at google and search engine companies and shit, because their whole deal is managing knowledge. but they are actually doing stuff, and dont spend all day writing white papers and making up gay acronyms.
google just bought blogger for a reason, you know. take a look at what tools people are really using to do this shit - real people - not KM monkeys. look at how regular people are interacting differently with knowledge now than they were five years ago, or five months ago. look at the tools and trends that are popular and why.
from what I've seen, none of the KM guys are onto anything at all. All of their thinking is between 5 & 10 years old. they are grappling with how to implement old models that people already take for granted and use in their every day lives now
Link posted by Anonymous : 11:03 PM