The Art of Knowledge
Making it Applicable
Here is pretty good article that I found on Dusk to Dawn. It addresses the gap between the Behavioral sciences and their ability to apply their critiques.
- Science is mostly analyzing. Engineering is doing. The difference between these two is profound, and it affects not only the way that your knowledge is applied, but even the culture of the workplace. Working for a company is very different than working for a university: the reward system is different, the role of criticism is different, and the value of group efforts is different.
In academia, we teach how to critique: to analyze a published study and find the flaws. We are superb at finding flaws. We are also superb at doing carefully controlled studies that minimize biases of all sorts, that are able to detect subtle differences. Problem is, these studies take months to perform, and they are designed for subtleties. Individual creativity is valued, and the reward system encourages publications, with concern about the order in which a person's name is listed as author
I thought his article would really take off after it's initial hypotheses but it read more like a resume than a paper.
Link posted by JVMM : 8:27 PM