The Art of Knowledge
Scary Halloween Stats For You
This comes from an Article by:Dave Pollard. The document can be found here.
What sort of effect does this have on e-learning?
Does e-learning take the place of a lot of these initiatives and funds?
What did we learn?
"Peter Drucker's assertion that the greatest challenge to business management in the 21st century is, and will be, improving the personal productivity and effectiveness of front-line workers doing increasingly complex and unique jobs. " ---True
"Knowledge is most effectively and efficiently conveyed to front-line workers by other front-line workers or outside experts, one-on-one, just-in-time, and in the context of solving a specific business problem. " ---Retaining that knowledge from that p-to-p conversation is a nice goal.
"Front-line workers have a large array of tools and technologies at their disposal, but rarely know how to use these tools and technologies competently, and when they do, they often find that these tools and technologies force them to think and work in ways that are not intuitive to them, interfering with rather than helping their work effectiveness." -- Teach them tools/Language and their job becomes easier. That reminds me of the T&B graph.
This article also makes a good reference to how blogs can be used to solve real time information problems. Blogs = Enterprise Architecture more than I think it does.
Link posted by JVMM : 8:55 PM