The Art of Knowledge
SCORMS Plural?
This guy has a s good rant about SCORM. I'm going to write him an email and see what he is up to.
- " The very notion that there can be a Shareable Content Object Reference Model for learning objects would seem to suggest that there can be more than one. What's relevant to the US Department of Defense in terms of e-learning is unlikely to be relevant to, say, training doctors. There's an a priori assumption made by many that one size fits all. "
Hmm...The DoD isn't designing the only SCORM it's designing the prototype that everyone else will use. The proto may be that dynamic that it will fit all industries. The point of the SCORM isn't the actual objects themselves. It's more or less the skills tracking and the repository. It's still a good point but I think he is envisioning the DoD as making this for only the branches of the military. We forget sometimes that all the jobs we see in the private world are already in the military world. I love how everyone is waiting with hushed anticipation to see what they come up with.
"The ISD (Instructional Systems Design) model survived for thirty-plus years because it took a systems approach to solving problems and didn't offer a standard answer to everything. ISD offers a toolkit for building tailored solutions. SCORM is a specification for solving a problem that existed at one time for DoD. "
Another good point. But I think that the DoD project isn't necessarily trying to give specific answers for specific tasks as it is trying to let the user search the answers in the best way. It simplifies the art of retrieving answers as opposed to assuming that it has the answers. The Database that has the data to be mined is constantly growing and becoming dynamic just like a search engine.
I like how he doesn't totally toe the line as if every corporation were reading his blog or as if he were trying to sell white papers. I've seen a ton of that today. People making good opening thesis statements and then saying, "That will be $750 please". This guy's blog is real good. It just made the side nav. Congrats to you for being the first unstuffy thing I read all day.
Link posted by JVMM : 10:56 PM