The Art of Knowledge
In Response to Tim
Personally I think you take a huge offense to anything Gov't oriented. If you would simply take the technology and the ideas that they are actually attempting to cultivate (enterprise architecture, using knowledge as the ultimate weapon, having intense media (video games) as the sought after delivery tool) I think you would find that their ideas are good ones that we can use to build on. At this point in my research and knowledge gathering I am simply trying to find the winners in the industry, and they do exist, and the patchwork people who are simply trying to make a buck.
Please don't take offense to my incessant remarks about the "grass roots work" being done by the DoD. Maybe that was a poor term to use, and you, being you, wanted to throw down on the floor and site how gov't is totally bad. I have no problem with thinking that the Gov't might be the wrong way to go and that to find our own processes and cultivate the tools that people 3 years ahead of the curve are using is the right way to go. I guess what I'm asking you for here is your patience while I try to find out what is really being used. To align yourself with, what is now a standard, the SCORM IEEE crew is not a bad thing. Take it in. Just don't dismiss the theories because they have to do with something that you personally would never align yourself with.
One more point I would like to make. When you think about the government:
- "...the government on all fronts is a necessarily conservative institution, and it seems preposterous to me to be looking to them as an innovator. ...its the flip side of the coin of the govt legislating for and against technologies, like p2p, etc. their thinking will ALWAYS be at least 5 years behind the reality, because the nature of government is preservation, protection & consolidation. and thats the opposite of what we need here."
Ok...let me feel the flame.
Link posted by JVMM : 10:33 PM