The Art of Knowledge
Maryland Homeland Security Strategy: A Business Case
For all my Maryland people, here is another letter drafted by R.C. Holmes to Governor Ehrlich about how to address homeland security. Since MD's pipeline is so important to D.C. we found our state at the forefront of any new initiative coming down the Homeland expressway. Here are some excerpts:
- Knowledge processes and performance management are the new IT industry mantra. Productivity in almost every category of human endeavor can be dramatically escalated. Critical tactical and strategic deliverables, which are the sole province of knowledge processes, include: real time knowledge, people empowerment, team building and agile event management.
- Since 85% of Homeland infrastructure resides in the private sector, state strategic planning is pivotal. The bulk of Homeland funding will be disbursed through the states. Multiple factors threaten a boondoggle. Funding for existing programs may be bundled within Homeland Security.
Government needs to mobilize the vast private sector. Knowledge processes represent a quantum breakthrough into a new economic world order. Communicating a vision of how collaborative state-business-regional-federal-educational processes can lay the foundation for state and regional economic growth should commandeer private sector leadership.
- When faced with historic complexity, the use of the "KISS" (Keep It Simple Stupid) may be advisable. Customer Relations Management (CRM) represents a proven KISS methodology for Homeland Security deployment. CRM is the flagship of Knowledge Management (KM) architecture. It is being used by major organizations to facilitate customer and user collaboration amongst departments, communities, branches, subsidiaries, partners, distribution elements and the supply chain. CRM represents a mature, interactive gateway to process implementation. CRM makes the customer the focal collaborator. The customer is led to grasp the organizational big picture. The customer (user) is encouraged to interact within knowledge processes. Customer's can control the three W's of knowledge processes: What? Why? and Who?
- "Reality has changed forever" was an insightful, post 9/11 sound bite. War had mutated. The terrorists employed KM fundamentals: global communications, self-directed work teams (cells), knowledge processes versus bricks and mortar, etc. Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld declared, "War has become 90% intelligence." (CNN, 12/01) The fundamental architecture of civilization's oldest mainstay had been irrevocably altered. This aberration in history irrefutably presages our need for concurrent, revolutionary, economic and Homeland Security architectural design.
- Why hasn't the term "Knowledge Economy" gained mainstream acknowledgment? Ask ten people to define knowledge and you will get ten different answers. The definition of knowledge is found in its root to know. Knowledge is organic information resident in people. This definition may be extended to processes as actively engaged knowledge or "knowledge in transi". All other content is information. Information is defined by the root word to inform. It is latent or inorganic in nature. It is the interactive "people defined architecture" of knowledge that leads us to real time processes.
- A singular example of Knowledge Environment phenomena is grid computing. The British government is spending hundred of millions of dollars to build a giant, global, human matrix for collaborative research amongst nuclear and medical communities. Time-to-market, resource conservation, duplication avoidance, matrixed process cross-pollination, etc. are inherent in grid computing.
- The brief Information Age made IT skills the number one concern of CEO's at the end of the 20th century. (Wall S. Journal 7/99) The collaborative Homeland environment will demand workforce competency development. Competencies include: inter-personal, systems and technology skills and the ability to manage resources and information. Competencies also include academics, experience, field knowledge, and developing 'an enterprise big picture'.
An educational renaissance should be forthcoming from Homeland Security architectural enlightenment. Corollary economic development demands a new motif. Team -group education is not only mandatory, it has proven to be far superior to current educational dogma.
Link posted by JVMM : 1:26 PM