The Art of Knowledge
So How Do We Climb Without Innovation?
The following comments stem from this article. The article states that:
- "One of the easiest ways to make your numbers look better is to cut back on "non-essential" items. Training and development can be axed. So can programs that give executives -- or any workers -- new ideas, new techniques, new tactics and new approaches to winning in the workplace. Once the tyranny of the numbers sets in, almost any investment in people is an easy target."
Saving your own neck is only going to get you so far. Cutting back on your people and downsizing will work in the short run. It may even buy you a little clarity in your processes. But when it comes time to revamp, like it looks like most companies are starting to do, you better revamp with a plan in mind to keep your human capital around long enough to make new processes and invoation a viable part of your business. I don't see the big Gov't contractors cutting back on these initiatives. Quite to the contrary, I see them labeling "elearning" and "human capital" as top priorities. The key is that they hide it under the term Enterprise Architecture.
Link posted by JVMM : 3:48 PM