The Art of Knowledge
In Response to Mike
- I don't think that's necessarily true ("People using new technology should be followed and emulated because they know where the future is going to be"). So many early adopters try everything... I agree that the "future is already here" in the sense that you can certainly find people doing and using the "next shit" far in advance of the masses, but I guess I want to know how you delineate the early adopters who get off on technology for technology's sake and those who are adopting useful tools that the masses will come to take for granted like electricity...
side note: I for one think using wireless at donna's, assuming that it had a decent network, is still a pain in the ass unless the hardware catches up and becomes easy to use and uncomplicated.
I think it's a process of staying on top of technology. I don't think following what is being syndicated or standardized is a bad way to go. I find that the masses are usually 5 years behind when it comes to technology and that is shrinking by the second. But, to totally wait around and see what is going to be popping and what isn't, I feel is a wrong way to go. I like following the big boys. I like seeing what IBM, CISCO, NIST, big Gov't contractors are doing. I have seen lately that there are trendsetters who adapt technology to the user but only after it has been thoroughly tested and utilized by their infrastructure.
For example, today I went and met with a small company here in Baltimore that hopes to jump in on the voice over IP networks. I wrote about this awhile ago in my other blog I think. But, the main thing is that every phone can have an IP. If every phone has an IP that means it uses a network outside of the phone company. That also means it's probably open source. More importantly it means that the phones functionality can beomce limitless. Now is this mainstream? No. Will it be mainstream? Absolutely. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the future of technology is already here. At least the future for the masses is already here. Trying to corner maybe 2 or 3 of those technologies and working them into old school processes like learning and education is a great idea.
Link posted by JVMM : 10:48 PM